6 Oct 2013

Wh.o F'CKS yo.u? ……MIKE SONKO goe.s berser.k on Kis.s 10.0’s CAROLINE MUTOKO

Toda.y mornin.g, the mothe.r of al.l incident.s happene.d wen.t dow.n Kis.s 10.0’s breakfas.t sho.w afte.r radi.o quee.n, Caroline Mutoko, calle.d Mike Mbuvi Sonko askin.g hi.m wha.t plan.s he has fo.r Nairob.i peopl.e.

Sonko replie.d sayin.g tha.t he has bee.n doin.g a lo.t fo.r his peopl.e includin.g payin.g bill.s fo.r wome.n in Pumwan.i, Caroline pointe.d ou.t tha.t tha.t is nothin.g specia.l becaus.e sh.e has als.o don.e the sam.e thin.g.

Caroline furthe.r aske.d him wha.t he hope.s to do in futur.e fo.r the peopl.e an.d he sai.d tha.t he wil.l continu.e helpin.g the.m as he has don.e befor.e. Caroline the.n aske.d wha.t abou.t the futur.e of thi.s peopl.e afte.r he is gon.e an.d Sonko replie.d tha.t he give.s mone.y to the peopl.e, an answe.r tha.t di.d no.t satisf.y Caroline.

Agitate.d Sonko replie.d:

I thin.k yo.u ar.e eithe.r unde.r the influenc.e of somethin.g or workin.g fo.r someon.e, Yo.u ar.e manne.r-les.s yo.u als.o smok.e cigarette.s al.l the tim.e!

Sonko furthe.r tol.d Caroline tha.t sh.e is no.t as clea.n as sh.e claim.s an.d accuse.d Chipukeezy of in boxin.g hi.s daughte.r Saum.u on Faceboo.k whic.h is inappropriat.e an.d Caroline apologize.d fo.r al.l tha.t.

An.d al.l hel.l brok.e loos.e, Sonko replie.d:

Yo.u ho.w man.y peopl.e f**k yo.u? Wew.e kwend.a! Wew.e mjing.a kumbaf.f!I a.m goin.g to dea.l wit.h yo.u an.d Chipukeezy" I wil.l dea.l wit.h you personall.y! Wew.e nyeg.e zak.o n.a sigar.a zak.o pelek.a huk.o carnivor.e !

Liste.n to th.e audi.o her.e (Courtes.y of Ghafl.a):