Daily Mail
23 Apr 2014
6 Oct 2013
Wh.o F'CKS yo.u? ……MIKE SONKO goe.s berser.k on Kis.s 10.0’s CAROLINE MUTOKO
Toda.y mornin.g, the mothe.r of al.l incident.s
happene.d wen.t dow.n Kis.s 10.0’s breakfas.t sho.w afte.r radi.o quee.n, Caroline Mutoko,
calle.d Mike Mbuvi Sonko askin.g hi.m wha.t plan.s he has fo.r Nairob.i peopl.e.
Sonko replie.d sayin.g tha.t he has bee.n doin.g a lo.t fo.r his
peopl.e includin.g payin.g bill.s fo.r wome.n in Pumwan.i, Caroline pointe.d ou.t tha.t tha.t
is nothin.g specia.l becaus.e sh.e has als.o don.e the sam.e thin.g.
Caroline furthe.r aske.d him wha.t he hope.s to do in futur.e fo.r
the peopl.e an.d he sai.d tha.t he wil.l continu.e helpin.g the.m as he has don.e
befor.e. Caroline the.n aske.d wha.t abou.t the futur.e of thi.s peopl.e afte.r he is
gon.e an.d Sonko replie.d tha.t he give.s mone.y to the peopl.e, an answe.r tha.t di.d
no.t satisf.y Caroline.
Agitate.d Sonko replie.d:
I thin.k
yo.u ar.e eithe.r unde.r the influenc.e of somethin.g or workin.g fo.r someon.e, Yo.u ar.e
manne.r-les.s yo.u als.o smok.e cigarette.s al.l the tim.e!
Sonko furthe.r tol.d Caroline tha.t sh.e is no.t as clea.n as sh.e
claim.s an.d accuse.d Chipukeezy of in boxin.g hi.s daughte.r Saum.u on Faceboo.k whic.h
is inappropriat.e an.d Caroline apologize.d fo.r al.l tha.t.
An.d al.l hel.l brok.e loos.e, Sonko replie.d:
Yo.u ho.w
man.y peopl.e f**k yo.u? Wew.e kwend.a! Wew.e mjing.a kumbaf.f!I a.m goin.g to dea.l wit.h
yo.u an.d Chipukeezy" I wil.l dea.l wit.h you personall.y! Wew.e nyeg.e zak.o n.a
sigar.a zak.o pelek.a huk.o carnivor.e !
Liste.n to th.e audi.o her.e (Courtes.y
of Ghafl.a):
5 Oct 2013
Citize.n T.V’s LILLIAN MULI has separate.d wit.h her HUSBAN.D
June 21, 2013 – Wor.d on the stree.t has it tha.t Citize.n T.V’s
sultr.y new.s ancho.r, Lillian Muli, has parte.d way.s wit.h her husban.d Kanen.e afte.r
year.s of turmoi.l and physica.l abus.e.
Accordin.g to tec.h blogge.r, Rober.t Ala.i, Lillian is in the
proces.s of changin.g her name.s in som.e of her document.s whic.h bor.e her husban.d’s
nam.e Kanen.e. Apparentl.y she has alread.y change.d her DST.V subscriptio.n nam.e fro.m
Kanen.e to Muli.
It is stil.l no.t clea.r wha.t has le.d to the brea.k u.p bu.t ther.e hav.e bee.n talk.s tha.t she wa.s in an abusiv.e relationshi.p and las.t yea.r ther.e wa.s a ........ (Fo.r anothe.r da.y).
Belo.w is Ala.i’s twee.t:
Rober.t Ala.i @Rober.tAlai
CREDIBL.E SOURC.E: Lilian Muli separate.d fro.m Kanen.e.
She is changin.g mos.t of co-owne.d stuf.f int.o her nam.e. DST.V alread.y change.d.
KT.Ns LINDA OGUTU and Citize.n T.Vs JANET MBUGUA caus.e seriou.s confrontatio.n in BA.R
Ove.r the weeken.d at a clu.b in Nairob.i’s
Westland.s are.a, chao.s erupte.d afte.r the clu.b manage.r chos.e to switc.h to KT.N for
the 9 pm new.s ….. Reaso.n bein.g, LINDA OGUTU.
And immediatel.y a revelle.r demande.d tha.t the statio.n be
tune.d to Citize.n becaus.e Janet Mbugua was readin.g the new.s and wha.t followe.d
was an exchang.e of word.s as reveler.s fough.t to hav.e thei.r favorit.e ancho.r tune.d
in to.
It too.k the interventio.n of the managemen.t to cal.m everyon.e
dow.n by switchin.g off all the TVs and demande.d that peopl.e concentrat.e on
thei.r drink.s.
Seem.s lik.e peopl.e especiall.y me.n are no longe.r intereste.d in
new.s but the sultr.y T.V siren.s.
She has had S*X with Citizen TV’s Lulu Hassan’s boyfriend, MUSIKARI KOMBO, JAMES OSWAGO and RAILA’s aide
To many Kenyans, a woman who sleeps with more
than one man is called a “prostitute”, but for this woman who has slept with
over 5 prominent Kenyans, she is called a diplomat.
On Saturday, Nairobi lawyer, Douglas Mango, claimed that
Kenya’s Deputy Ambassador to Somalia, Yvonne Khamati, is a high profile
prostitute who sleeps with the high and mighty in the country to attain her
According to the lawyer, Yvonne is alleged to have slept
with Ford Kenya bigwig, Musikari Kombo, Independent Electoral and Boundaries
Commission (IEBC) Chief Executive Officer, James Oswago, political broker and
Citizen TV’s Lulu Hassan’s boyfriend, and former Prime Minister
Raila Odinga's aide whom the lawyer refused to mention (but credible sources have it that it is Carolli Omondi).
The lawyer also alleges that he has credible photos of
Oswago nailing Khamati at one of his loos at the IEBC headquarters.
He also alleges Oswago requested Khamati a s3xual favour in
order to grant her a Sh 23 million election oversight tender.
Douglas Mango is an ODM sympathiser and a close ally of the
former PM.
The Kenyan DAILY
3 Oct 2013
AL-SHABAAB say they will turn Kenya’s cities into graveyards and rivers of blood to teach UHURU/ RUTO a lesson.
October 3, 2013 - Just
a day after President Uhuru Kenyatta vowed never to pull Kenya Defence Forces
(KDF) out of Somalia, the Al-Shabaab militants have threatened to teach him a
lesson he will never forget.
In a statement released on Wednesday,
the Al-Shabaab warned that President Uhuru Kenyatta’s speech yesterday was a
clear indication he hasn’t learnt a lesson from the Westgate Mall attack and
that they make him cry.
“The Kenyan Government’s decision to
keep its invading forces in Somalia is an indication that they haven’t learnt
any valuable lessons from the Westgate Mall attack. Kenya has just invited
unprecedented levels of insecurity, bloodshed and destruction”, said the
They vowed to bomb Kenya and turn its
cities into graveyards and rivers of blood until when Kenya will leave Somalia
“We will strike Kenya where it hurts
the most, turn their cities into graveyards and rivers of blood will flow in
Nairobi”, read the statement.
The Kenyan DAILY
REVEALED: KIMEMIA impersonated the President and issued orders to BOMB Westgate without UHURU’s approval.
October 03, 2013 -
The appointment of former Treasury PS, Joseph Kinyau, as Chief of Staff and
Head of Public Service by President Uhuru Kenyatta, on Thursday and the subsequent neutralization of
the one-time powerful man, Francis Kimemia, to a mere secretary, is without
doubt sudden and surprising.
However, impeccable sources indicate
that the Westgate attack cost Kimemia, who has been on President Uhuru
Kenyatta’s microscope, for a while now, his job after he assumed Uhuru
Kenyatta’s powers.
This is after it emerged that Kimemia
impersonated President and gave an executive order to KDF to bomb the Westgate
Mall to kill the Al-Shabaab remnants and the hostages without the approval of
the President, who initially had objected to the idea.
During the Thursday Cabinet meeting chaired President,
Uhuru is said to have been angered by Kimemia’s action of trying to create
another centre of power besides his.
“Some of you think there are two
centres of power. I am the President and there is also the Deputy President.
There is no other centre of power”, thundered the angry Uhuru.
In the same meeting, it also emerged
it was the same Kimemia, who chaired the National Security Advisory Council,
which is a preserve of the President, where NIS reported the intelligence on
the Westgate attack, and the information never reached President Uhuru
Besides, Kimemia created another
centre of power at Harambee House together with Interior PS, Mutea Iringo,
during the Westgate attack, where they begun tweeting and holding parallel Press
Conferences, issuing conflicting information from that of Joseph Ole Lenku, who
was at the Westgate and the only man mandated to give the official Government
President Uhuru reduced Kimemia to a
mere secretary and his roles will now be writing minutes and invitation
letters, attending meetings and disseminating minutes to Ministries.
The Kenyan DAILY
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