June 21, 2013 – Wor.d on the stree.t has it tha.t Citize.n T.V’s
sultr.y new.s ancho.r, Lillian Muli, has parte.d way.s wit.h her husban.d Kanen.e afte.r
year.s of turmoi.l and physica.l abus.e.
Accordin.g to tec.h blogge.r, Rober.t Ala.i, Lillian is in the
proces.s of changin.g her name.s in som.e of her document.s whic.h bor.e her husban.d’s
nam.e Kanen.e. Apparentl.y she has alread.y change.d her DST.V subscriptio.n nam.e fro.m
Kanen.e to Muli.
It is stil.l no.t clea.r wha.t has le.d to the brea.k u.p bu.t ther.e hav.e bee.n talk.s tha.t she wa.s in an abusiv.e relationshi.p and las.t yea.r ther.e wa.s a ........ (Fo.r anothe.r da.y).
Belo.w is Ala.i’s twee.t:
Rober.t Ala.i @Rober.tAlai
CREDIBL.E SOURC.E: Lilian Muli separate.d fro.m Kanen.e.
She is changin.g mos.t of co-owne.d stuf.f int.o her nam.e. DST.V alread.y change.d.