Ove.r the weeken.d at a clu.b in Nairob.i’s
Westland.s are.a, chao.s erupte.d afte.r the clu.b manage.r chos.e to switc.h to KT.N for
the 9 pm new.s ….. Reaso.n bein.g, LINDA OGUTU.
And immediatel.y a revelle.r demande.d tha.t the statio.n be
tune.d to Citize.n becaus.e Janet Mbugua was readin.g the new.s and wha.t followe.d
was an exchang.e of word.s as reveler.s fough.t to hav.e thei.r favorit.e ancho.r tune.d
in to.
It too.k the interventio.n of the managemen.t to cal.m everyon.e
dow.n by switchin.g off all the TVs and demande.d that peopl.e concentrat.e on
thei.r drink.s.
Seem.s lik.e peopl.e especiall.y me.n are no longe.r intereste.d in
new.s but the sultr.y T.V siren.s.